Sunday, July 23, 2023

Visible Learning Meets BTC - Ch. 11 - A Vision

As I finish this book,
I won't lie,
I am a little overwhelmed 
At how to incorporate all ten mindframes
In the spiderweb approach they introduce.

But then I think about where my teaching is at today,
How all my experiences, learning, professional developments, book reading, and conversations
Have led to honing my craft.
To get to the point where I am today,
I have taken an idea,
Implemented it,
Tweaked it,
Reflected on it,
Until it became a part of my skill set.

One step at a time.
One day at a time.
One lesson at a time.
One mistake at a time.
One success at a time.

It's doable.
And I can't wait to see where this new journey takes my teaching!

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