Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blocking the Door on Hunger

I was blocked again this year!
Students brought enough food to block my door so I couldn't teach.

We had to be creative this year in stacking our food.
I made a replica of the door on the wall instead of the floor.

In an attempt to get enough food, students measured the area of food items to match them to the open spaces in our "door".
Thus, the Xs on the wall.

Since we didn't have math classes today, we passed the time by solving various logic problems.
One of the favorites was the Knight's Move.
Click here to play it online!  (This version is playing against the computer).
Related to the previous problem, is this awesome Christmas logic problem called, The Knight's Tour.

We also played a little Krypto.
Using only the numbers 13, 8, 8, 9, 13 and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and/or dividing, we had to arrive at the answer of 2.
It took quite a while but we finally got the answer!
I can't post the answer on here...that would make it too easy.
But if you've been working for a while, you can scan this QR code to find the answer.

Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing Christmas break.
See you in January!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sign Up NOW for January Family Math!

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But inside it's so delightful
For we have a place to go
Family Math is calling soooo....

It does show signs of computing
There really is no disputing
January 10th will be so neat
So sign up to save a seat!

When we finally call it a night
And we hope there won't be a storm,
We'll have some hot chocolate
To keep us nice and warm.

I'm looking ahead to January 10th.  Please sign up before Christmas break if you are planning on attending.