Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What Do I Need For Math Class?

That is a great question!
Thought you'd never ask.  :)

To be a successful student in math, you will need to come prepared every day.

This means that you will have all the necessary materials needed to do the job...in other words, to do math.

Here is a list of items that I require you to bring every day.  Be sure to always check that you have the items before coming to class.
You won't want to miss anything just because you forgot something!

1.  3-ring notebook with dividers.  This will be just for math.
We are going to build our own math book this year!  We have a math textbook, but we don't use it much!

2.  Notebook paper - This can be in either form...loose leaf or spiral.

3.  PENCILS, PENCILS, PENCILS, and a pen to two.

4.  Calculator.
We have some to use in class, but often times students prefer to have their own, right at their fingertips.

5.  A Good Attitude
Some days we will be learning some pretty cool, but brand new, math concepts.  I don't expect everyone to get it right away.  By keeping a positive attitude, you're allowing the learning process to proceed without putting up any walls to jump over later.  You might just surprise yourself...math can be really fun!  :)

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