Monday, August 20, 2012

Playing with Numbers & Learning Math Practices

Students on Friday and Monday worked on solving the Locker Problem,
But in the process, learned some valuable math skills to use throughout the year.

1.  Persevere when solving problems.  Most of the time our first strategy won't work.  We need to try it again or implement a totally new idea.  Working with others and not giving up helps us to meet our goal of finding the solution.

2.  Use the correct math tools when solving problems.  Math tools come in all shapes and sizes.  The most popular math tools are a simple pencil and paper.  Other math tools can include two-colored counters (shown above), graph paper, rulers...whatever is needed to help the solving process.

3.  Find patterns and shortcuts.  Math is full of patterns and if a pattern can be found a shortcut might not be too far off.  Patterns help us to make sense of our solution and to help us solve even more complex problems!

4.  Be precise.  When sharing our work, using the correct vocabulary adds precision to our explanation.  "Squaring the number" is more precise than "multiplying the number by itself".

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