Wednesday, April 6, 2016

That was Punny...No Pun Intended!

I never know when it will hit, but here lately, we have had some pretty good puns in our math classroom.
Oh sure, it all started at the beginning of the year when after introducing our Fish! philosophy and how it ties to learning math, and I just happened to say, "If you are floundering with this math problem..."

I got it.
No one else did.
But it did crack me up.

Yesterday, when playing Battleship with my 2nd hour folks, I noticed that their strategy was totally different than mine.  I was using the coordinate graph to help guide my "torpedo lines" and they were just adjusting the equations from previous attempts.  Ever being the helpful math teacher that I am, even though I was losing, I thought I would share what I had noticed.  What came out of my mouth was totally unintended but literally had me in stitches.  "You guys are totally missing the boat here.  How can the coordinate graph help when firing your torpedos?"  Did you catch it?  No one else did either.  Miss the boat?  We are playing battleship...trying to sink boats.  Hahahaha!!!

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