Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teacher Appreciation

This week is teacher appreciation week.
I was asked just the other night,
"If you had it to do all over again, would you be a math teacher?"
Without hesitation, I answered with a strong, "Yep!  Math is my passion!"

Even after 17 years in this awesome profession,
I still haven't forgotten the teachers that got me to this point.

Mrs. Loewen and Mrs. Goossen (Kindergarten & 1st grade):  Learning can be fun, especially if there are projects involved.  I still remember the jello box puppets for each letter and the owl notepad gift we made out of a carpet remnant for our mothers.

Mrs. Linscheid (2nd grade): might be hard, but you must keep going.  

Miss Popp (Reading Specialist):  To excel.  Find something you're good at, and keep going with it.  At the age of 7, it was reading.

Mr. Schrag (3rd grade):  He was the first to show me that I had strengths in math.  I never did get to tell him that his belief in me, and all those hours after school studying for math contest, ended up with me in a math classroom.  I'm sure he had no idea of the direction I was headed at the time, but that's what teachers do...they push all students in all directions keeping a world of options at their fingertips.  

Mrs. Duerksen (5th grade):  Handwriting is essential.  I won a contest for retaining the essential components of cursive writing from when we learned it in 2nd grade(?).

Mr. Schmidt (6th grade):  If you're going to do something, do it right the first time.  He was a stickler for lining up your writing with the margins of your page.  :)

Mrs. Hiebert (8th grade):  You can learn outside the classroom walls.  The History Day project was a highlight...we looked at the construction of the Marion Reservoir, even interviewing a gentleman who had to move his farm.

Mrs. Schroeder (High School English):  Write, write, write.  Read, Read, Read.  Two very important lifelong skills. 

Mr. Toews (High School Band):  Follow your dream.  Achieve what you don't think is possible.  Mr. Toews had a way of getting more out of each student they ever imagined.

My Students:  We all learn differently...and different is good!  Each and every day I learn from you as well!  I learn how you see the math in your head.    You teach me new technology skills.  You share your dreams with me...allowing me to help you on your journey.  You bring energy and life to the classroom.  Thank you for being my students!

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