Sunday, July 23, 2023

Visible Learning Meets BTC - Ch. 10 - Learning

"Learning is an active and self-directed process".
BTC aligns with this same way of thinking.
Working in random groups at VWBs helps everyone to be active,
And being allowed to do their own thinking,
These small groups are self-directed...trying any and all methods they can think of.
And when mistakes are made,
Learning moves another step in the right direction.

BTC makes learning
"effective" and "enjoyable".

Finding that flow where the challenge keeps the thinking going is my goal every lesson.
As students connect to their prior knowledge and apply it to new situations,
This can be exciting to see!

I like how the book put it, what do they bring to the task in terms of skill, will and sense of thrill?
As I design learning activities, 
I am constantly thinking about WHERE their skill level is...
...will the task allow all students to enter the problem? will prior learning be a stepping stone in the problem?
I am thinking about WHERE they are headed... can I tap into their intrinsic motivation? can I make this as parallel to real life that I can? can I make this relevant to middle schoolers?
And I am passionate about interjecting fun into the learning process. can I change up the learning activities?
...will the students find as much joy in the learning process as I did?
...what can I include in the lesson to hook them?

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