Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mistakes are Good!

For so long now, mistakes have gotten a bad rap.
It's like we are conditioned to try to not make a mistake.
When in reality, mistakes are how we learn.
We have all made mistakes.
And we all will continue to make mistakes.
For. As. Long. As. We. Live.

So instead of looking at mistakes as an embarrassment, something to avoid, or something that makes us want to stop altogether,
We need to understand mistakes.

And that's what we did today as we started class.

Students were to write how they felt when they goofed up, made a mistake, or failed at something on one side of the paper.
After our thoughts were down on paper, I had the students crumple the paper up, signifying that how we once thought of mistakes should just be thrown away.

I had them uncrumple the paper to show all the crinkles.
We had a very mini lesson on brain research and how when a mistake is made, it actually creates a synapse, strengthening neural pathways in the learning process.
Students then traced the creases to illustrate how synapses are created when we goof up.

As part of our ISN (Interactive Student Notebook), the right hand side of the notebook is for student output (think guided practice, reflection, questions, to do's, etc).  Today, they were to respond to the statement, "How I will look at mistakes from this point forward."  It will take some time to retrain our brain, we will make mistakes as we fall back into old habits, but my hope is at the end we find ourselves embracing mistakes as part of the learning process!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Moving Our Thinking in 2016-2017!!

McCabe’s Math Classes:
Where we AIM high and MOVE our thinking

Expectations for Mathematics…8 Habits To Make Math Easier!
  1. Perseverance – Make sense of a problem and stick to it!
  2. Reason
  3. Communication – Construct and justify
  4. Apply math through math models
  5. Use appropriate tools
  6. Precision – Vocabulary, computation, units of measurement…
  7. Look for patterns
  8. Look for structure
Math Notebooks – To record our MATH CONVERSATIONS
Your math 3-ring notebook will be set up in units.  Each unit will have: 
     ~ notes, handouts/worksheets, and practice
Your interactive math composition notebook will be set up with a table of contents and will include:
       ~ graphic organizers, vocabulary, & a journal of your learning
Keep your math notebook complete until THE END OF THE YEAR.

Expectations for MOVING YOUR THINKING…

          Attitude is almost EVERYTHING! A study of 3000 top achievers found that 85% attributed               their success to attitude!

  • MAKE THEIR DAY!  Be respectful at all times to others in the  classroom.

    • Mistakes are encouraged…they help us MOVE OUR THINKING.
    • When we FAIL we are really just showing that it was our First Attempt In Learning.
  • BE PRESENT…this includes completing assignments, studying for tests, and coming to class prepared.
          Bring to class every day:  pencil,  Math notebook,  pen,  CALCULATOR, and AR Book
  • INTERJECT FUN…this creates energy to MOVE YOUR THINKING

  Grades will be taken from a variety of areas:
  • Quizzes/Tests
  • Projects with rubrics
  • Practice
  • Problems
  • Participation

Practice Completion:  All practice items MUST BE completed by the next day for a 100% completion grade.
Show ALL your work.  Try EVERY problem. 

Students may complete late/missing practice problems BEFORE the unit quiz for 75%.
Late work will NOT be accepted after the unit quiz.
To be eligible for a quiz retake, all practice must be completed before the unit quiz.

Need Help at Home?  We’re Online!!!

Schoology has a ton of resources!  
* Lesson videos 
* Assignments 
* Link to online textbook with even more helpful websites